फॉण्ट प्रॉब्लेम

This site is available in Unicode. If you are unable to read some Unicode characters in your browser, it may be because the system is not properly configured. Here are some basic instructions to configure the system.


For Windows XP, getting additional languages installed is as follows:

Go to Regional and Language Options from Control Panel.

In the Languages tab, check the Supplemental language support option(s) you want. Setting both options will install all optional fonts. This adds fonts as well as system support for these languages.

For Windows 2000, getting additional languages installed is as follows:

Go to Regional Options from Control Panel.

In the General tab, set the Indic. To do so click in the check box besides Indic. This adds font as well as system support for Marathi language.

You may require Windows CD to activate Unicode on your PC.


You should make sure that you are using the most recent version of whatever browser you use.


Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Older Archives:

The archives up to 31st December, 2008 are still available in the old font To view archives, please Download MillenniumVarun and LokWeb font from here.( Install these fonts to your windows/fonts folder.) Use Internet Explorer or Netscape for the better results.

ताज्या बातम्यांसाठी लोकसत्ताचे मोबाईल अॅप डाऊनलोड करा.