There is no communication between Marathi writers from various parts of Maharashtra. Today we don’t have platforms for regional language activities, said Ashok Bagwe at special interactive session organised by Loksatta, where they called all four contestant contesting for Presidential post of “86th Akhil Bhartiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan”, taking place next year in January at Chiplun, Maharashtra. Today there are lots of changes in Marathi subject syllabus. We are teaching them how to behave in corporate culture not about our literature or language. Today’s generation is technosavy and my effort will be reconnecting youngster to Marathi literature through various activities, said Bagwe. I am contesting this election because you get an authority to do something constructive by using this position. I would like to start research center for Marathi literature and this is a good opportunity to reach larger audience, he added.